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al lin
software engineer

d3og (rip

about me:

San Francisco by way of Beijing and Chicago. Originally a sculpture major at CCA(C), defected to economics and accounting, but returned to creating things, usually web sites, culminating in spending a stint at Hack Reactor. Now thinking in code and computers, and still crafting beautiful things for you and your mum.


hatch & oaktree

Location-based messaging app. Worked on the back-end to to authenticate users and send/receive messages using Node.js/Express and Mongoose/Mongo. Image storage utilised Microsoft Azure and push notifications were done with Apple Push Notification Service. Project was developed and tested with a two other Hack Reactor teammates and finished in the span of two weeks. Now in the process of deploying it to the App Store.

iPhone screenshots of Hatch messaging app



D3? Yes please. Personal project dealing with the Nextbus API and exploring a better interface to show transit times for users. Future plans include finding bus stops closest to a user and eventually predictive analytics based on past Muni data.

muniNow D3.js bus prediction screenshot


Ruins: A Geography Game

How's your geography? A Meteor game built with Guy Morita in a day. Grab a few friends and try your knowledge here, or here

ruins geography game screenshot


Open Hours

D3-powered interface to intuitively display which restaurants are currently open. Started as a problem to parse CSV files in JavaScript and evolved into a D3 side-project. Looking to interface with Yelp, but their API doesn't provide store schedules, in the process of scraping dat data.

openhours d3 interface screenshot